Full history of
Thriving Families Alliance
1993 Conducted planning with stakeholders group to explore Child Welfare Decategorization.
1993 Established Decategorization (Decat) Governance Board and became a pilot site.
1994 Redirected Decategorized Child Welfare dollars to divert families from the formal child protection or juvenile justice systems in collaboration with public, private and community agencies.
1998 Conducted series of community planning sessions for early childhood and developed Community Empowerment Plan.
1998 Received designation as a Community Empowerment site.
1998 Established Community Empowerment Board and formed an agreement with Decat Board to share Coordinator and implemented early childhood programs.
2005 Redesignated as a Community Empowerment Area.
2005 Held joint planning session with Decat and Community Empowerment to adopt America’s Promise framework and established Promise Partners as an umbrella organization.
2005 Promise Partners designated as a Community Partnerships for Protecting Children (CPPC) site.
2006 Promise Partners designated as a Community of Promise.
2007 Promise Partners received national recognition as “100 Best Community for Young People” by America’s Promise.
2007 Promise Partners became a 501(3)c incorporated non-profit.
2008 Joint planning sessions to evaluate organizational structure.
2008 Approved plan to fully integrate Decat and Community Empowerment Boards into one Promise Partners Governance Board.
2009 Received redesignation for three more years through Iowa Community Empowerment.
2009 A single integrated Promise Partners Governance Board is formed to oversee initiatives and funding for children 0-21 in Pottawattamie County.
2013 Coordinated Intake System built, created, and launched.
2019 Promise Partners expands to provide board administration and support to Harrison, Monona, Shelby, Fremont, Page, and Taylor Counties.
2021 Promise Partners rebrands name to Thriving Families Alliance.
2022 Thriving Families Alliance expands to provide board administration and support to Montgomery, Mills, Cass, Fremont, and Page Counties